Youth C of C Qualifiers for 2021-2022
The 2021 Championship has been cancelled. The current qualifiers will be invited to the 2022 Championship to be held at GASS in Sacramento, California.
(listed in the order in which they qualified) The qualifying year for youth runs from July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022.
The 2021-2022 AAPE Youth Champion of Champions to be held in conjunction with the Great American Stamp Show 2022
Kaitlyn Zhang (representing SESCAL) - "Man's Best Friend"
Jack Nixon (representing CANPEX) - "Canadian 1988-91 Wildlife Series - Medium Value Mammals"
Ayushmaan Sinha (representing CHICAGOPEX) - "My Life as a Kingfisher"
Christina Esbeck (representing St. Louis Stamp Expo 2020) - "Cupcakes"
Adhyatman Agarwala (representing CANPEX) - "Ecuadorian Slogan-Based Covers Related to the Ecuador-Peru Border Conflict of 1941"
Jared Gazin (representing WESTPEX) - "Exploring French Architecture Through Stamps"
Li Hicks (representing OMAHA 2021) - "The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln"
Mia Fillion (representing Philatelic Show 2021) - "The USDA My Plate Food Plate - Mapping Out the Foods"
Jason Teh-Mitchell (representing San Diego Stamp Show) - "Love Letters"
Jack Nixon (representing Royale/Royale Virtual Show) - "Canada 1988-91 Wildlife Series Medium Value Mammals"
Sjon Brejtfus (representing ARIPEX) - "Railroad Perfins Used on Cover"
Amelia Kelbert (representing PIPEX) - "The World of the Monarch Butterfly (Donaus Plexippus)"
Jaagruthi Nithin Adka (representing SEAPEX) - Olympics - "Bird's Eye View"
These exhibits have qualified and will be invited to compete in the 2019-2022 AAPE Youth Champion of Champions which will be held at the Great American Stamp Show 2022